Placentia Round Table 

Women's Club


  "Why Stay We on Earth, Unless to Grow"   Robert Browning

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Are you looking for an opportunity to
    - help local students,
    - help the homeless,
          - help victims of domestic violence,
          - help the veterans,
          - help improve the environment?
And are you looking for an opportunity to increase your circle of friends?

Then our organization of bright, hardworking women is the place for you!  We invite you to join PLACENTIA ROUND TABLE WOMEN'S CLUB (a nonprofit organization).

Our luncheon meetings are  held at the Clubhouse at 10:00 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month October through June. Our Board meetings are held at the Clubhouse 9:30 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month September through June. Members who do not serve on the Board are always welcome to attend.

Questions? Please email us at